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[This site is best viewed on PC.]

Basic Information

༻ All images are saved in PNG format. I start out with a 5000 x 6000 canvas and size down accordingly, but normally never go below 2000 x 2000.༻ You must be specific and clear with your request. Visual references are a necessity, as I do better with something to go off of.༻ You are allowed to request changes to your commission up to 3 times. Any modifications to the piece after the third change request are permanent.༻ I may deny your commission; please keep in mind what I will not draw, or may struggle more with.༻ Payment is upfront and USD only, and typically done through Ko-Fi or Paypal.༻ Once paid, I will start on your order ASAP and provide occasional WIPs using the desired contact given.༻ If payment or notice of delay is not given within a 4-day period, the commission will be considered cancelled.༻ Finished pieces will be signed with a signature, and can be requested not to be posted if the commissioner decides against it.༻ Be sure to leave an email at some point [before or after making a request] so I can send the full image!

Things that may take more time:

༻ Guns
༻ Animals [occasionally]
༻ Heavily detailed backgrounds
༻ Body Horror [detail-dependent]
༻ Mecha / Any piece of machinery with intricate detail

Will Not Draw:

༻ Heavy gore.
༻ A specific style. I cannot "copy" other styles.

Simple sketch

༻ $10, Waist-up only
༻ Black ink by default
+ $5 per additional character[s]

Detailed Sketch

Bust: $30
Full Body: $50
༻ Black ink by default
+ $10 per additional character
+ $5 for colour

Above-nose Closeup

༻ 355 x 155
༻ $15 w/ shading
༻ $10 w/o shading
༻ Simple background
༻ Full flat colour

Detailed Chibis

༻ Bust: $35
༻ Full Body: $45
༻ +$5 per additional character
༻ +$5 for colour + simple background
༻ +$10 for full colour+full background

Full Piece

༻ Icon: $40 ⁂
༻ Bust: $80
༻ Full Body: $100
༻ Clean lineart, full colour, background, & effects
༻ Add up to 3 characters [+$1 extra afterwar]
⁂ If you're getting an icon, you are allowed one additional free icon.